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Monday, July 1, 2013

Three Months?! Damn.

Now and then, I'm told, life happens and people get busy. That's damn sure the case with me, and Southern Comfort has collected an inch of dust. If it weren't for the Joker posts, along with the bike lift and Kendon Trailer info, this blog would have faded into the Blog-o-Sphere.

I've been busy in some damn good ways, I'm happy to report. I broke down and bought an enclosed trailer, I got rid of the 4Runner, and there's been some great rides, the most recent of which was the Ride To Nowhere with a terrific group of friends.

I won't even attempt to update y'all about all that stuff in a single post, so hold on for updates if you're interested. For now, I'll just check in and report I'm alive and well and having a great time.

More to come


  1. Thanks! Glad you enjoy it. Stop back for updates. (Assuming I get off my lazy ass and do a little writing now and then!)

